They’re pretty stylish, and it’s a great way to spice things up after playing GTAIII for a while. This mod by creator Huckleberry Pie simply ports this updated interface to your PC version of GTA3, replacing the usual menu and splash screens with the ones from the iOS release. 10th Anniversary Menuīack in 2011, GTAIII got a re-release on mobile platforms to commemorate the game’s 10th Anniversary, complete with an updated interface.

Note: most of these mods need a little outside help to run correctly, so I recommend installing the CLEO Library before anything else. So here I’ll be listing all the essential mods you can try for an updated experience, along with many others that promise to make your next playthrough feel like the best one yet. Playing GTA3 decades years after its original release can be a bit tougher than you’d think. Whenever you weren’t poking holes in public property with your 9mm, you could also indulge in the exciting mafia storyline.

Players could immerse themselves in a creative re-imagining of New York City in the form of Liberty City, where they could wreak havoc to their heart’s content. The hugely successful, highly controversial Grand Theft Auto franchise moves into 3 dimensions in the. Grand Theft Auto III was the game that took the franchise from a top-down 2D perspective to the world of 3D. Grand Theft Auto III GTA 3 for Steam - Crime does pay.