The lives of Spartan men were consumed by military service and commitment to winning glory in battle.

Why were the Spartans such great warriors? While Athens ruled the seas, Sparta had long headed its own alliance of states from the Peloponnese and central Greece – the Peloponnesian League – which commanded a stronger army thanks to much-feared and respected Spartan warriors. Athens also planned to rebuild the ‘Long Walls’ – miles of fortifications connecting the city to the harbour of Piraeus – so as to offer a link to the sea even at times of siege, making it yet more powerful. Sparta grew alarmed at Athens’ hegemony, which continued to expand due to regular tributes pouring in from across the empire. Circling the Aegean Sea, the Athenian Empire built a huge navy of triremes – galleys, more than 30 metres long and with three lines of rowers down the length of each side, capable of great speeds – making Athens the dominant maritime power in Greece. Hundreds of states joined the Delian League, but it came to be so dominated by Athens that the Athenians effectively turned the alliance into an empire. In the aftermath, in 478 BC, an alliance of Greek states called the Delian League was formed as protection against any future Persian attacks. Allied Greeks defeated them first at Marathon and then at the battles of Salamis, Mycale and Plataea, crushing the invasions. so I'm extremely new to this modding thing.Yes, Athens and Sparta had fought side by side against the Persian invasions of Greece by Darius and then his son Xerxes in the early fifth century BC. I also tried in the past to change a couple of things in Shogun 2 (mainly to make major clans more survivable), but I could not export it. Can someone more experience guide me through how I might go about making this change? I downloaded the Rome 2 Assembly Kit Beta from Steam, and I can't seem to find the appropriate database/table/ place to make the chance. So I would like to mod it from Winter back to Spring. This is especially difficult in Wrath of Sparta since season makes a huge impact on economic income with winter barely giving you any income at all. For some reason, one of the many updates that CA did, cause the season to start in Winter instead of Spring (like it used to).

One thing I want to Mod in Rome 2 is the starting season in Wrath of Sparta.

I'm having trouble finding mods that do the things I want, so I want to try modding so that I don't bother everyone with every little thing.